Introduction. 1
Some Digital Broadcasting Terms. 1
MUX (Multiplexer). 1
TP (Transponder). 1
DVB-?? (Digital Video Broadcasting). 1
Setting up the DVB-T Hardware. 1
Antenna. 1
Tuner Card. 1
Installing VLC (Only working with
older version 2.2.8). 1
Installing and configuring Media
Portal 1
Installing the SQLite Spludlow DAL. 1
Setting up the Personal Video
Recorder. 1
Storage Directory. 1
Spludlow Configuration. 1
Un-Hide the DVB page in the Intranet. 1
MediaPortal EPG Data Export. 1
View the EPG and watch a programme. 1
Schedule the Media Portal EPG export. 1
Enable the Video recorder method
server. 1
Set Programme to record. 1
Streaming to another Computer. 1
Fine tuning dipole aerial length. 1
Resetting Media Portal Server. 1
In this data case study we will look at Media Portal’s data
to obtain the EPG (Electronic Program Guide).
Having acquired the EPG we will look at how to use this data
combined with VLC to build a simple but functional Personal Video Recorder with
the following functionality:
Scan for Channels and store to database
Obtain programme listings EPG (Electronic Programme Guide) and
store to database (DVB-Terrestrial has 7 day listings built into the standard)
Display Channels and programmes to either watch live or record
for later
Receive and display DVB programmes (Live TV)
Receive and transcode DVB programmes (Stream TV)
Schedule to Receive and save DVB programmes to a file (Record TV)
Playback recorded programmes
Familiarise yourself with these.
Terrestrial TV the transport that carries many individual TV
and radio channels (around 10 or more TV channels). It exists on a particular
frequency and there are several MUXs available in any particular location
(typically around 7 currently).
Satellite TV this is exactly the same thing as a MUX they
just use a different name and have loads more. In Media Portal as it can do
both so it uses the term Transponder.
T=Terrestrial, S=Satellite, C=Cable. The number means the
generation, hardware cannot receive future generations’ broadcasts. The first
generation doesn’t have a number.
If you don’t have access to a proper TV aerial and you live
in a strong signal area like in a city or near a transmitter then it’s worth
trying out a “half-wave coat hanger dipole” aerial.
Make the total width of the diploe 30cm to start with. You
can fine tune the aerial length later when you know what frequency your
channels are on.
NOTE: It is a popular misconception you need a good aerial
to receive digital TV. During the transition from analogue the digital signal
was being transmitted at reduced strength, when analogue was switched off they
turned it up and ripped off the knob.

Ensure your aerial is polarized correctly either horizontal
(what you normally expect) or vertical (on its side), check this by looking on
neighbours roofs. Horizontal should be perpendicular to the transmitter, with
vertical it doesn’t matter provided the cable is not in the way.
TIP: You may find moving the aerial around by small amounts
can make a big difference.
You will need a DVB-T (terrestrial digital TV) tuner card.
Digital terrestrial TV is currently on its second generation DVB-T2 so if you
want HD channels you will need a DVB-T2 card.
In this demo I used and old DVB-T (first generation) card so
it will not tune to the single T2-MUX (multiplexer) that carries the HD
channels, but it was fine with the other 6 T1-MUXs that carry everything else.
NOTE: In the future the T1 MUXs will be migrated to T2 so
old cards will eventually become useless.
You really want at least a twin tuner card so you can have
one that sits there for the EPG and the other for recording and watching.
Ensure you install the 64 bit version.
During testing I had major problems with version 3 of VLC.
This is the only supported version of VLC to work with this
NOTE: Some recording and streaming tests I performed with
version 3 of VLC put Windows 10 into such a mess I couldn’t even get to task
manager I had to hold down the power button.

Media Portal is a complete open source software DVR. It has
a server and client component, the server runs on the machine with the DVB
cards in and the client(s) runs on the machine you watch TV on. I will only
install the server component here. Obviously you could just use the Media
Portal client but where’s the fun it that?
Download and run the Media Portal installer (V2).
The installer may install some prerequisites first like C++
redistributables and the DirectX SDK (Note: Don’t let any of the prerequisite
installers reboot)
Now on the main install choose the components you require (I only
want the server)
Run the TV Server Configuration and expand “TV Servers” and
select the local host “WSYS-HOME-TV” the tuners are displayed in the main
Disable all DVB-T tuner cards but the last one (this will grab
EPG) and click OK.
The program will restart the Windows Service and exit, start it
up again.
Go back through “TV Servers->WSYS-HOME-TV” and select the
DVB-T tuner, the channel scan dialogue is displayed in the panel.
Select you county and region and click the scan button (Note:
There is an “All Regions” option that will scan every MUX in the band rather
than just the MUXs it has on record for your region).
Note: In the video TP 3 shows no signal this is because it’s a T2
MUX and I’m using an old T1 card that is unable to demodulate the newer signal.
Go into “TV Channels” and check it looks good (Note: A bug in
Media Portal seems to occasionally give bad channel numbers 10000, see below
for the workaround).
Go into “DVB EPG->TV EPG Grabber” and click the “All” link
button to select all the channels. Click OK.
Re-run the configuration program and select “Manual Control”.
From here you can see what it’s doing, it should be “Grabbing EPG”
I seems to finish after around an hour although it obtains data
That’s it set up. You can just forget about it now, the
Windows Service will be running whenever the computer is switched on and it
will periodically update the EPG to its own SQLite database.
As MediaPortal uses the SQLite database we need to install
the Spludlow.Data.SQLite component to access it from Spludlow.
Please see the main SQLite
page for more details.

NOTE: You can install the Spludlow Framework and have the
master use SQLite, in which case the SQLite components will already be present.
This video shows all the steps required to run a personal
video recorder using the Spludlow Framework with details in the following text.

Create a directory for the recorded programmes and schedule
Give “SpludlowGroup” full control of this directory.
The video recorder requires 2 configuration items, use the
Intranet Config page to add them at the “network” level:
key="VideoRecorder.TunerHost" value="WSYS-HOME-TV" />
key="VideoRecorder.Directory" value="C:\VideoRecorder"/>
Release the configuration to all hosts. Check the Status
page to confirm it worked.
NOTE: VLC did not work with network paths. If you want
the Intranet running on a separate host then remove VideoRecorder.Directory
config at the network level and put it in for each host with a local path on the
tuner host and network path on the Intranet host.
Edit the file and uncomment the DVB line by removing the #:
Recycle the Intranet application pool using the Intranet
Status page. In the video this step is not required as the configuration
release will also recycle application pools.
On the Intanet Call page search for “MediaPortal” and click
the “Export” method, without parameters.
Click “Make Call Text” and “Run CallText”.
Check on the status page, when it’s finished you can view
the logs.
NOTE: The Channels and Programmes tables are logged. Due
to the size of the Programmes table I wouldn’t recommend viewing it on the
Intranet Logs Page the browser will choke.
Check the 2 text tables produced, you can open them in
notepad and copy and paste to a spreadsheet.
Everything should now be in place to use the Intranet DVB
page. Clicking a channel name hyperlink will launch VLC and tune it in.
NOTE: You may have to fiddle with your browser settings
to allow it to launch, its sending text with a MIME type of “application/bat”,
rather nasty but it gets the job done.
Earlier we ran the Media Portal Export manually using the
Intranet Call page let’s set it up to run daily. Edit in notepad the file:
Add the following line:
# [TimeSpec] [Address] [Assembly] [Type] [Method] [Parameters]
03:00 WSYS-HOME-TV:Run Spludlow Spludlow.Video.MediaPortal Export
Restart the scheduler thread using the Intranet status page
This will now run every day at 3 AM. You can check the
schedule on the Intranet schedule page.
A simple Video Recorder class has
been provided the “Run” method can be configured as a “Method Server” to take
care of recording. Edit the file:
Add the following line:
#Method [Key] [Assembly] [Type] [Method] [Parameters]
Method VideoRecorder Spludlow Spludlow.Video.Recorder Run
Restart the Spludlow Service using the Intranet Status page.
The recorder is now up and running.
To schedule a recording click on a programme hyperlink on
the DVB page then click the record button. When you do this a file is dropped
to “C:\VideoRecorder\Submit” the server will pick this up and add it to “C:\VideoRecorder\Schedule.txt”,
you can check the file. The DVB Intranet page will show scheduled recordings in
When the time is right VLC will be launched for a certain
duration and the programme will be recorded in a fire and forget manor.
NOTE: You can start watching the programme before it has
finished recording.
By changing the dropdown list and click the “Update” button
on the DVB Intranet page you can stream to other computers that don’t have a
DVB card. This is achieved by starting VLC on the “Tuner Host” and then the
client VLC will connect to it.
Some streaming points to consider:
Streaming sometimes seems sketchy I can only put it down to bugs
in VLC. It used to be rock solid years ago but this is no longer the case.
You will have to configure Windows Firewall to allow any
instances of VLC on each host.
By using port forwarding on your Internet router you can stream
to remote networks, so the MRS can watch Coronation Street on holiday.
You may be better off recording to file then transferring the
file to remote networks and forget about streaming
It’s a rule of nature that any antenna design works best for
a specific frequency, when you go above or below that frequency the signal will
get weaker. The only design consideration for a dipole is the length so get it
On the DVB Intranet page, past the listings, is the “Band
Usage” table. This shows frequency for each mux and what channels it is
This table provides an “Antenna CM” column, this is the
calculated dipole length. You should choose a length in the mid-point for your
mux frequencies.
In this screen shot example a length of 25cm should be about
right. As the middle here is empty you could make 2 aerials of 30cm and 21cm
depending on what you are tuning to and you should get better performance.

NOTE: If you are running UHF distribution through your
house aerial cables you want to pick a frequency that is as far as possible
from existing mux frequencies.
If things seem a bit messed up with media portal, like bad
channel numbers, rather than trying to fix in place I like to just start again.
Perform the following steps:
Stop the “MediaPortal 2 Server Service” (MP2-Server) in computer
Delete the directory “C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Server”
Start the MP2-Server service, it will re-create all the files you
just removed.
Configure your tuner cards
Perform channel scan
Confirm Channel numbers are correct
Configure EPG grabber