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The different ways to run your Code


Introduction. 1

Loosely Coupled Referencing. 1



The code execution system is the core of the Spludlow Framework. It provides the plumbing that your solutions can use to run code anyhow they want with the minimum of fuss.

You can build a solution using the Framework by just creating a library (DLL) with your business logic in and get running it immediately. No need to get bogged down creating places to host your code like windows services and web services. No worries about communicating, referencing, calling, and passing data to your code, the Framework is there to do all the donkey work for you.

The Framework provides 3 generic applications, web service, service process (windows service), and console application that are installed on each machine providing the places for your solution’s code to run (be hosted). These generic applications do not require a direct reference to what they host, they do not need recompiling with a reference to users’ code libraries.

The Code Execution System is a high level wrapper the leverages the following without requiring any working knowledge of them in advance:

·         MSMQ Message Queues

·         Service Processes (Windows Services)

·         WCF Web Services

·         WCF TCP Servers (used to be .net Remoting)

·         HTTP data transfer

·         .net Threading

·         .net Serialization

·         .net Reflection

Loosely Coupled Referencing

When running code “In Process” (directly compiled into the running process) then referencing code from code is pretty straightforward.

Things start getting difficult when running code “Out of Process” could be; another process on the same host, a web service call to another host, or put on a queue to run on a host on another network.

Now depending on what you’re doing all sorts of interfaces and contracts between the client and the server have to be defined and configured.

Throughout Spludlow a simple 3 strings are used to reference any method. ATM (Assembly, Type, Method).

Please see the Code Execution section for more details.


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